What is the core to your happiness?

avalon california catalina island crystal ra laksmi-ditton holiday infinite activation love on the road michael ditton take time off traveling Aug 30, 2020

Aloha everyone!

We had a wonderful vacation in Avalon, which is a little town on the Catalina Island. We took 4 days off - no computer, no work - just relaxing, sleeping, swimming, hiking, eating good food and enjoying each other's company and exploring. 

We are both really hard workers and during the last year we have even overworked at times. We have many projects going on all the time and everything takes time. Because of the COVID we could not really celebrate my birthday in May or our anniversary, so we added these to Michael's birthday and celebrated it all in Avalon. 

I let myself sleep 10 hours and at times even more. I enjoyed writing my ideas down. We had so much fun. 

In the coming weeks we share one video from each day with you - so you can come along with us. These videos are different from our most videos - as we also would love to give you a little holiday and travel with us. 

We may rearrange the frequency for blogs as well as now with additional work load with Podcasts in two languages and two other blogs - we need to pick and prioritize and optimize. 

But check out today's You Tube video here: 

and the questions by the end of this blog. Self-reflection about happiness is something we did while we travelled. 

Watch the video, read the blog, do the tasks, subscribe! Share with us your comments and questions in the comment sections!

Please share this with as many as you can and check us also out on other Social Media channels, like it and become the member of our 'ohana' community: 

FB Channel - #Infinite Activation

Instagram - #infiniteactivation88

You Tube - #infiniteactivation

Thank you for your time and attention!

Check out today's questions here: 



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