Divine relocation to San Diego
Nov 10, 2019Written by Crystal Ra
Edited by Michael
Dear lovely friends, family and our clients!
We are so sorry we have not kept up the regular blog here or on our website, but this is about to change! We have been through a real rough moving year and it has taken a lot of our time, energy and resources, but we have kept up pretty good if you look back at this year or even just our social media. We have certainly not been lazy. We even did couple of launches for our new products and programs. We are still babies in the online marketing jungle, but we are learning and progressing step by step. We have not given up yet and we are smart - we learn from the bests in the field so we can improve and give the best of ourselves to all of you! Our biggest gift has been to learn from Brendon Burchard and his team. We have had quite a journey with them - including High Performance coaching, Bo Eason’s storytelling class, the Growth Summit in Arizona and now #Influencer2019 here in San Diego.
We just realized that we moved almost every other month this year. First, twice in Hawaii and then later to Palm Desert to reorganize things in Michael’s mom’s house. In Estonia where we unwrapped all of my storage and settled in a city center in a cozy and nice apartment for the next 3 months. Sadly Michael needed to leave for 4 weeks to take care his dad, who sadly passed away, but while there he could help his mom to move. So it all worked out well.
Later we had so much fun in Estonia from Song Festival to Tantra Festival. It was nice to have a proper apartment finally. I so truly enjoyed to have kitchen and also another guest room where I could work with my clients!!! We made not only a difference, but worked a lot and changed a lot. Estonia is always a challenge and somehow the most busiest always in the very end of our stay! But we were so happy! So grateful!
Two years after moving to Hawaii, where we thought we were meant to be, spirit had another idea for us. Astrologically and Logistically, San Diego is now our home.
All part of the plan to learn and live the culture of Hawaii for those two years, we were destined to be the Aloha Ambassadors of the world.

Enjoying our time at the Tantrafestival - High on Life in Estonia
After that we did a little trip to England for 2 weeks - visiting friends and doing also one event in Glastonbury. It was truly a delight to experience and also show Michael England.

Here celebrating Michael's birthday - the English way!
After that we decided to skip New York this year and got back to Palm Desert to restart our new preparation time for San Diego move. Several trips later we found our new rental home at Imperial Beach and just 13 days ago moved in. I feel so home, so happy and relaxed. I would never have imagined that I say that I am so excited to stay in one place for a while longer and get into my work routine again and get some stuff really done. Like my book... or launch more of our products!

Golden sunsets at Imperial Beach, San Diego, California.
Just couple of blocks from our house.
It happened so that while still in Estonia I saw the invitation from Brendon Burchard for the Influencer 2019 event and when I checked the dates it said 10-12th of October and I made a promise that by that time we have moved and settled in San Diego and it happened! Words have power!
The event was a blast for both of us - to be in the room with 2000 + people and learn from the biggest influencers in the world at the moment. We are full of so much inspiration and ideas what and how to do better in our personal and professional lives. We are so excited! We made ton of new connections and learned so much. And the difference was that the ride home only took 20 minutes not 5 hours with the plane.

One of these crazy jumping mornings in the crowd of the Influencer2019 event in San Diego.
To live on the mainland of USA is much more sensible for us with Michael’s family is in Palm Desert and here Michael can start to fulfill his real estate passion again.
I still hold the card for Mexico residency but to renew that would mean 3-7 months presence there which means I would put my green card in jeopardy here in USA, so one needs to make choices and let some things go for now. I cried. I have worked so hard for that Mexico residency and I really needed just this one more to have a permanent residency, but was not meant to be right now I guess.
Luckily we have no animals to worry about, as our life has been so crazy. Even though every place we move we have some cats showing up at our gate or door almost each time. And I always wonder why are the changes of those residency cards happening during the most inconvenient times? Like during the summer?

Mermaid found her home;)
But I believe truly there is a bigger meaning in all of this chaos as the Divine Creator is maximizing the best location for us so that we can scale our personal and professional lives to new levels. There will be many changes and we have promised that the two main things will be - consistency and service! We will be so much more active on Social Media that you may get tired of us or love us even more! We set some new goals and share it with all of you as our best accountability partners.
So to say - we are back! You will get many new activating and engaging impulses from us and also you can become part of co-creating with our business in so many ways!
Are you excited to hear more? Tune in to our Infinite Activation FB channel or our You Tube channel or our Instagram. Search for #infiniteactivation and it will pop up! It will be activated!
Thank you all who you have followed us, been with us and are happy to have this journey with us! We are so lucky to have you all in our lives!
Aloha from Crystal Ra and Michael

Happy Innovative and Intentional Couple. Ready to create the ripple for ourselves and the world so we can LIVE BIG and SERVE BIG!
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