Essential tips and tools to make your 2020 the best year ever!

2020 crystal ra laksmi crystal ra laksmi-ditton habits infinite activation michael ditton new years resolutions time management tools Jan 09, 2020


In today's live we shared with you several tips and tools which can make a huge difference for your 2020 and make it the best year ever!

If you would love to share this You Tube video with others do that here: 

We talk about: 

  • Why New Years Resolutions do not really work
  • Choose new habits instead of resolutions and turn it into a lifestyle
  • How to inspire and motivate yourself towards success with your new habits?
  • How to adjust your targets as you go along?
  • How to manage, identify and plan time - to increase your best currency!
  • The connection between money and time
  • Early morning habits go along with the early bed time habits
  • Importance of the movement every day
  • Importance of the rest
  • Use calendar journals for a bit deeper look in life
  • Use Google calendar to share your schedules with others you need to
  • Start to use the self-love calendar to feel proud and accomplished of the ways you take care of you 
  • Activate your creativity with your morning pages or figure out what else can be done (poem writing, painting etc)
  • Activate and include your Inner Family to your daily activities whatever you do

Check out Michael's page for more time management worksheets here: Buy Brendon Burchard's journal planner here: 

Check out the task sheet here: 


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