Four simple steps away from pain
Jul 23, 2020Aloha,
In today’s video we talk about a very relevant topic. Inspired by the conversation between Tom Bilyeu and Russel Brunson, where Russel mentioned that right now in marketing we should focus on how to move away from pain instead of how to move towards pleasure. Check it out!
Today's You Tube video is here:
In a way we agree, even though moving towards pleasure has always been our preference, but massive collective consciousness has pulled people into the pain, fear, chaos and may this video give some tips and tools how to crawl out from it and do it for good!
– Pain as an indicator
Usually when you have physical pain happening in your body or life it is already an indicator that things have gone too far. Usually your body, mind and spirit will give warning signs. Your responsibility is to listen and act after the first time it happens. So many people have no idea how to communicate with your body, mind and spirit. As we are moving to the New Time – these things become crucial not only in survival but also in order to thrive fully in life!
– Check out your self-care
If your self-care is not in good order or as one of your priority – pain can move in on every level – emotionally, physically, mentally etc. Your responsibility is to give enough time and attention to your body, mind and spirit daily – not only when there is a crisis.
– Think of the future
Everything you do or be today – will influence your future. You do not want any pain in the future? Look what needs to change right now? Then change it! Stick to it!
– Check out how your inner reflects the outer and contrary
You do not like what you have outside? Ok, then change what is inside! Do not know how to do it? Find a coach, mentor or a group to support you on that journey!
In the very end part of the blog - every week - we share also beautiful questions for your self-reflection.
If you are really serious about your life and changing it, use all these weekly posts as your free coaching session with us.
The only difference - we are not there in person, but it is a good starting point. It helps to integrate the info from the episode.
Since this January 2020 we started with weekly blog/vlog with self-growth topics. We have produced over 30 videos in the series and if you put all these into works - go through all the questions - we will guarantee - your life will change! And what is even better - we share it all for free!!!
If you feel like the way we look at life or work with it resonates with you, pls take contact with us and we can figure out ways to cooperate or work together!
Watch the video, read the blog, do the tasks, subscribe! Share with us your comments and questions in the comment sections!
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Check out today's task sheet!
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