Get your FREE autographed copy of Dreams, Goals and Adventure
From the creator of and co-creator of InfiniteActivation,
author Michael Ditton presents: Dreams, Goals and Adventure
""Your experiences are so extra-ordinary and you're fascinating to listen to. Your speaking style is humble and respectful of both your role as a speaker and of your audience, as one would expect after hearing of what you were trained to do. If others would open their lives to adventure as you have they would love their life even more.""
Dreams, Goals and Adventure is an easy read filled with short stories everyone can relate to. Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry. It's not how to get rich quick but how to understand Financial Independence is different for everyone and you don't have to be a wealthy as Bill Gates to achieve your dreams. But you DO have to have a Dream and a Goal in how to achieve them. The KEY takeaway is to never lose sight of your Dreams. Dreams, Goals and Adventure not only will it inspire you, but make you realize, if just some average guy like me did it, you can too.
And don't forget along the way, to Live Life as an Adventure!
Offer expires as soon as we run out of books, which will be FAST, so get yours today!
GoalSettingBasics- Simple Steps to Success eBook
GoalSettingBasics- F.A.C.E.F.E.A.R. worksheet
GoalSettingBasics- What is a Personal Mission Statement Guideline
Dream a Little- Vision Board Action Guide, Inspired by 50 Amazing Dreams Everybody wants to Fulfill
3 part formula on How to Attract More Abundance w/ Action Guides for each video
Offer expires as soon as we run out of books, which will be FAST, so get yours today!
"Dreams, Goals, and Adventure is a small book filled with wonderful insights into creating the life of your dreams, no matter the circumstances. Michael Ditton's shows, through examples from his own life choices, that anyone can obtain their dreams. It's not magic. It's not about money. It's not about fate or luck. Goals and dreams are obtainable through planning and determination. Adventure is the icing on the cake. It's about believing in yourself. Creating doable goals and taking a chance on life. It's about faith. I loved how as a young boy Michael Ditton knew instinctively that if he wanted to make something of himself, he had to dream, plan, and do. Yes, sometimes bad things happen to good people, but with strength of mind, by removing "can't" from your vocabulary, you can overcome anything. Life won't give up on you, so why would you give up on life? I applaud Mr. Ditton for using excerpts from his own experience to help me understand that if I'm not where I want to be, it's me holding me back, nobody else. Dreams, Goals, and Adventure is a wonderful book that ended far too soon. I read it in one afternoon. I was right there with him when he got the dream job of running a hamburger stand while still too young to have a driver's licence. I was there when he saw Alaska for the first time, along with its endless possibilities of adventure. I was there when his buddy yelled at him in Costa Rica that they had to go because their boat's anchor hadn't secured, and their boat was travelling backwards through the harbour without them. The best thing I got from this book ... I reached the last page knowing that life is about embracing happiness over defeat, that never surrendering means being too stubborn to giving up. There is no end to where I'm capable of going. Thank you, Mr. Ditton."
Don't Take No For An Answer
On my bike ride to school I’d pedal past a hamburger stand in the middle of a strip mall’s parking lot. The first time I saw it my mind was awash with possibilities. Not only would I be earning my own money again, I might get a good deal on their tasty burgers and home-cut fries. Every time I smelled the patties on the grill I knew I had to work there.
(fast forward)
Rain or shine I stopped by every single day and asked for a job, only to get the same answer every time: no. Perhaps a month later, maybe two, I stopped by as I always did and once again asked for a job. This time, to my surprise, they didn’t say no. They looked at me and then at each other, smiles all around. Then one turned to me and said, “You’re not going to stop until we give you a job, are you?”
With a hitch in my throat, feeling that sudden jolt of excitement, I looked right back at them and boldly gave them that word I had heard from them so many times: “No!”
The Ship Sails Without US
While I stood at the phone waiting for an international operator John came running toward me, yelling, “We have to go, we have to go!” I glared at him, annoyed that he was rushing me. Then I looked over his shoulder and saw the reason for his urgency. Our boat was traveling backwards through the harbor without us.
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